City of Alameda Budget Challenge

Alameda Budget Challenge

Alameda has a one-time budget surplus followed by long-term budget shortfalls. The Choices we make today will affect us for years to come.

Next month, a two-year budget will be presented to Alameda's City Council for review and adoption. The City brought in higher than expected revenues last year, generating a $5 million budget surplus. However, because this increase was a spike, those revenue levels are not projected to continue, and the City faces an ongoing budget shortfall beginning in 2018.

The Alameda Budget Challenge presents examples of the policy choices our City leaders will decide on, and allows them to hear from the public as we undertake this year's budget planning process. 

Alameda prides itself on being a safe, well-maintained community with responsive City services. Our City is also committed to strong fiscal stewardship and ensuring our budget and financial policies reflect the community's priorities. 

How will you balance the City's budget while protecting the quality of life for our residents? 

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